Monday, November 28, 2022

Help fight food insecurity

Thank you for bringing in loose change to help cover the cost of the meals we will be packing on December 10th.  As of today, we have raised enough to pack 19,126 meals.  Our goal is to pack 28,000 meals; so, if you haven't brought in loose change yet, it is not too late.  Please consider contributing your loose change to this worthwhile cause.  Each meal costs 33 cents.  You can also donate online via this link by adding a note to your donation that reads "Food Packing."

Other Donation (specify) | St. John LaLande Catholic Church (

SERVE - Food Packing Event

We have great news!  We now have slots open for additional volunteers on Saturday, December 10th, 2022.  We need a setup crew, a cleanup crew, loaders and box movers for each shift. We have 3 slots that opened up today in one of the food packing lines for the second shift.

Signup now at the link below.  This is sure to be a fun, impactful opportunity to serve for everyone.

St. John LaLande Parish and School Community: St. John LaLande Food Packing Event (

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Opportunity to Empower Our Parish Youth

On this Giving Tuesday,
  • Let us empower our Catholic youth to live as disciples of Jesus!
  • Let us engage our youth to be active members in the Church!
  • Let us foster their growth: spiritually, morally and personally!
  • Let us enhance faith formation in our School, PREP, ECLA and Youth Ministry!
  • Let us teach them who Jesus IS!
On this Giving Tuesday, click this link to invest in our youth and the future of our church.

Monday, November 21, 2022

We only have two spots left for our December 10th food packing event.  Sign up now to get your spot in this fun and impactful service project.  Contact Kate Ellis for additional ways to help once all the spots are full.

Click this link to signup:

St. John LaLande Parish and School Community: St. John LaLande Food Packing Event (

Food Packing Event - Sign up now to reserve your spot


As of 9:59 a.m. Monday morning November 21st, we have 6 slots left for our food packing event on Saturday, December 10th.   This is a wonderful opportunity to serve side by side with family, friends, and fellow parishioners.  All ages welcome.  

Click this link to signup:  

St. John LaLande Parish and School Community: St. John LaLande Food Packing Event (

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Fight Food Insecurity with Loose Change

Bring in your loose change to help fight food insecurity.  The meals we will be packing on December 10th are 33 cents each.  Please bring in loose change as you are able and donate in one of the loose change jars in the main entrance and narthex before or after Mass.  Thank you for being HIS Hands and Feet in our parish, our community, and our world.



We have the opportunity to share Christ's love in Nicaragua and put Matthew 25 into action.  One of the ways we are able to do this is through student sponsorships. Sponsorships provide opportunities to empower young lives. In Nicaragua, a high school education is required to work basic jobs like being a cashier or a server.  Education provides a path to employment and higher wages. Students that are sponsored share Christ's love by mentoring younger students in the collectivos.

In 2021, 48 homes and a community center were built, dedicated, and blessed in Las Mangas.  Also in 2021, we packed 12,000 meals at St. John LaLande that we sent to Nicaragua.  The 48 homes and community center in Las Mangas were sponsored by Cross Catholic Outreach, the West family, and in honor of our very own St. John LaLande Catholic Church.  We now have an opportunity to sponsor students in this same area.  

During our small group pilgrimage in December 2022, we will visit with St. John LaLande sponsored students. We will take letters and videos from parishioners to share with the students; and we will bring back letters and videos from students to share with their sponsors.  Education sponsorships are $30 per month and support transportation, school supplies, uniforms, mentorship, and education materials.  To learn more about sponsoring a high school student, contact Kate Ellis via email at

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Pilgrimage to Las Mangas, Nicaragua

Follow three of our St. John LaLande ladies as they represent our parish on a pilgrimage to Las Mangas, Nicaragua where a few homes and a community center were built in honor of our parish. 

Join Kim, Olivia, and Kate as they meet with high school students sponsored by SJL parishioners, build relationships with families, attend Mass in San Isidro, and learn about the holistic approach to empower those living in poverty.

Please pray for our small group pilgrimage December 11-16, 2022