Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Nicaragua Pilgrimage Day 2

December 12th - We drove 2 1/2 hours from our hotel to the community of Las Mangas. Upon arrival, we were greeted by the community with a celebration of events in the community center.  The people applauded for us and thanked us for traveling to visit them.  They thanked us for sponsoring the housing project and sponsoring the education of the children.  An elderly gentleman from the community prayed, and his wife shared the story of how their life was before they received a home and how their life is now living in the community.  She explained how she and her husband have six children and how difficult it was raising that many children. She explained how she advocates to children in the community to get their education and wait to have children of their own  until they are older.  Prior to moving to the community, they had no running water.  They lived on a mountain and had to walk an hour each way to get water and carry it back to their home.

Next we were entertained by two high school girls dressed in beautiful dresses dancing to their cultural music. Following the dancing we listened to high school scholarship student testimonies.  Next, we visited with the leadership of the community. The leadership consists of housing manager, health manager, education manager and food service manager to name a few. Our discussion included what each managers responsibilities are for the community. We also learned about their worship practices and traditions. We asked if they are experiencing a shortage in priests and just like the U.S. They are not having many take the vow of priest. Although during holy week, they have a ceremony for all those who have said yes to the vocation.

After our discussion, we visited four homes built in honor of St. John LaLande. We enjoyed seeing how each family customized their own home to suit their needs and personality. 

Following our home visits, Olivia played soccer with the children. 
When we left the community for the day, we attended Mass in honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe at La Merced Catholic Church in Las Mangas. The priest welcomed us at the start of the Mass and all parishioners were very welcoming.

Your Sister in Christ,
Kim White