Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Nicaragua Pilgrimage Day 3

Day 3 Las Mangas - Today was a celebration for all the leaders from surrounding communities and a joyful meeting with the students that are being sponsored by St. John LaLande parish. A band played the song DE Colores, and as cursillistas, we are familiar with this song, so we were able to sing along. More entertainment followed with singing, and the three of us sang Silent Night and Jesus Loves Me to the community. There was a presentation of gifts, which we were honored to present 3 of the gifts to 3 recipients.

Near the end of the celebration the 3 of us began to dance, at first the community was a little shy to join in, but when we invited them to join us, there was no stopping them.  We took many pictures with the community as they requested us to take pictures with them.

Then we visited 2 more homes in the community, then said our goodbyes to the beautiful people of Las Mangas.

Our final stop before heading back to the hotel, was to visit the local office of Rainbow Network. We taught the staff the card game UNO and had a great time playing and laughing.

This day was full of joy as God has intended us to experience.   Joy in God is where the wealth is. The lives of the Las Mangas community are inspiring and have taught me a great deal about love of God.  I pray for all of us to have Peace and Joy in our lives.

This is HIS great gift of love❤️ 