Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Prayer requests

Good morning everyone,
We ask you to pray for Lucrecia, the 42 year old woman shown in this picture.  She is having problems with her kidneys and will be having scans.  We prayed with her at her home on Tuesday.

Also, please pray for the following individuals:

Dariella is 3 years old.  She will be having surgery on her knees today.
Please pray for Dariella’s 12 year old brother Joyner who needs two surgeries on both his knees; however, they are still raising funds to help with the cost of the surgeries.

Fio real is 3 years old.  She has cerebral palsy.  She is from Las Mangas.  She is in need of a wheelchair.

The brother of a student sponsored by a St. John LaLande parishioner lost his leg two years ago due to a an accident with a vehicle.  His mother now carries him wherever he needs to go.

Raquel’s son has medical issues that require a two year medication treatment plan. The medication is too expensive for the family and they were planning to choose to forfeit their home just to pay the increased medication expenses.  Rainbow Network is working on his case and determining a way to share costs so the family will not lose their home.

For Juan who just graduated high school and is now in the hospital with kidney and diabetes issues.