Thursday, December 15, 2022

God’s love at work

Buenos días and Good morning to all those reading this blog,

Some in the states have asked what it is we will be doing while in Nicaragua. For example, will we be building houses or some other such activity to help the people?  However, our purpose for this trip was not to physically do anything but rather to share and grow in God’s love, to learn from our brothers and sisters in Christ who live very differently from us, and to better understand how with a little financial help we are able to plant seeds that grow and flourish.  When I mention planting seeds, I am referring to things like sponsored students, special case medical patients, housing recipients, and those receiving education needed to start a run a business.

Yesterday, we saw empowerment in the lives of two for students who went through the sponsorship program.  Both are now very successful and paying forward in the communities by managing several schools as Education Directors.  We also met children who without medical care might would not have the life they area able to have today.  We saw the love of a father with his daughter, Eliseyda, a daughter who although cannot walk is so full of joy.  She engaged everyone in the room with her laughter, comedic way of talking with us, and overall beautiful personality.  We met Maynor (pronounced Minor), a 7 year old boy, who because he has had three surgeries can now use the restroom normally.  His mother tearfully shared his medical story and her deep appreciation for medical funding that has provided him life.

God is at work in Nicaragua just as He is at work at St. John LaLande; and for that I give Him all thanks, praise, and glory.  Please lift Eliseyda and Maynor up in your prayers today.  

Peace, love, and blessings to all,
