Thursday, December 15, 2022

Nicaragua Pilgrimage Day 5 - Inspiring stories of Empowerment

Greetings St. John LaLande blog readers,

Today was inspiring with stories of empowerment that is a direct result of Christ’s love being shared in meaningful ways.  We visited Santa Martha community where we observed a healthcare clinic being held inside the home of a resident. Notice the light shining through the walls of the home and the dirt floor.  Also notice the supplies on the right sitting on top of wood boards and a very thin padding (this is a bed for sleeping). 

We learned that when Rainbow Network comes into a community, the community suffers on average about 80% malnutrition and within three years that rate is down to 5%. They do this through healthy habits training, anti-parasite medication for all, and the nutrition program.  Medical clinics are brought directly into the community; and most often, residents have never been to a medical clinic before. They pay 50 córdobas to attend the clinic; so they begin understanding that they must contribute to their own care. It would cost them at least 1,500 cordoba to go to a medical clinic in the city; and the travel time would be significant. The second picture above is a travel tote filled with medications the doctor will need to treat various illnesses. The doctor documents all patients and all medications given to each and every patient. These medical clinics empower individuals to take better care of themselves and their families, to seek medical care when needed, and to pay their own expenses. (Of course, the true cost is much more than what they pay; but this helps get them moving toward self sufficiency).

The picture above was taken at one of the Rainbow Network office clinics in town. Shown here is the dental chair and equipment used for dental care and tooth extractions. Rainbow Network charges anywhere from $4-$6 per dental visit while other clinics charge anywhere from $30-$50.

Shown in this picture is the Rainbow Network pharmacist and pharmacy.  She must account for all medications going in and out of the pharmacy, and report that information to both Rainbow Network and the department of health in Nicaragua.  These medications are supplied to the doctors that go into the communities.

Another area where we witnessed an inspiring story of empowerment was in San Isidro, a housing community Cross Catholic helped Rainbow Network with in 2015.  The home shown below no longer looks like a Rainbow Network home. The couple who live in this home have been able to add onto the home.  They have also been able to plant trees and other vegetation making their home even more beautiful. This lady was once sponsored by a small group from a church in the states. She proudly showed us a picture of her team of sponsors that shared the expense of sponsoring her high school education; and she explained how thankful she is to have had the scholarship. She went onto college and is now a teacher. Her mother is shown in the picture with her; and her mother is a leader in the community. The young girl in the picture is her daughter. Her daughter loves school so much that she read aloud to us out of one of her school books.

It was easy to see Christ’s light shining through all three of these family members.  They explained how they want others to have these opportunities and how they want to share these opportunities for generations to come. They are thankful for their blessings and want to bless others. From the love of God to the love of family, to the love of others; these three truly grasp how to live Matthew 25. God is good indeed!

Peace, love, and blessings,
