Greetings from Las Mangas,
On Tuesday we met individuals with special medical needs that Rainbow Network and medical sponsors have been able to help. First we met Robert, a five year old boy who had testicular surgery. He is doing well now. He is still being followed by the doctor but at this point does not require additional procedures. His aunt who we met brought a message of greetings and thankfulness from Robert’s mom who was working that day.
We also met Elizabeth Rodriquez, a beautiful lady who had a huge umbilical hernia requiring surgery using a mesh. She is now doing well and gave thanks to God, Rainbow Network, and all who made her surgery possible. She said Rainbow Network has been helping with medical appointments for her children including a child with allergies. She is the Health Community Leader and a housing recipient. She gave thanks for her home.
The most touching moment was at the home of Fiorella. You may recall Fiorella from December 2022 when St. John LaLande parishioners sponsored her wheelchair. Fiorella is now four years old. She has cerebral palsy. Her mother Yariscsa was losing hope. Her dream is for her daughter to walk, and the doctor told her that her daughter will never walk. She said it is very difficult for her to see other children Fiorella’s age running and playing. She appreciates the love and prayers from St. John LaLande. During our visit, she asked each of us what we do for a living and shared that she works in the rice fields. She also shared that she wants to open a nail care business in her home, so she can care for her daughter and earn money at home. Her husband works in Costa Rica (most likely in field work) and sends money home to help the family. This is common for a lot of families. Yarisca dreams of going to school to become a nurse.
I asked her if she would allow me to hold Fiorella, and she graciously allowed me to do so. This was the most touching moment of our trip as of this writing. She’s a beautiful girl. Looking into her eyes while talking to her felt like we were communicating soul to soul. She doesn’t talk, but her non-verbal eye contact and smile with almost a giggle touched me in ways that I find difficult to put into words. Our visit ended with Deacon Richard Isaacks giving Fiorella and her mom a blessing.
Thanks be to God for allowing us to see Christ in Robert, Elizabeth, Fiorella and Fiorella’s mom.
Blessings and love,
Kate Ellis